I have three best friend that same primary school with me...
We knew each other from standard 4...
Last year , one of my best friend (YCM) study at a secondary school that not same with me...
This year , we didn't keep in touch already...
I'm not the one who don't want her...
She don't want me to be her best friend already...
She got her own new best friend in secondary school...
I'm sad , but what can I do ?...
One of my best friend (LKH) like to sing with me...
We're enjoyable when singging together...
Although we study at the same secondary school , but this year we didn't talk so many...
I didn't talk with her for a long time already...
Maybe two or three months...
I think she got a new best friend already...
That girl is my bf 's last gf...
I don't know lkh will support me or her...
I think she will support her...
Because she don't want me already...
I'm sad , but what can I do ?...
Another best friend (OXM) also same secondary school with me...
But she change school already...
Just because of something happen in her house...
Now , we didn't keep in touch already...
I also don't know where are she now...
I'm sad , but what can I do ?...
Now , I lost my three best friend...
But , I get a new best friend (LJX) already...
She also same primary school with me , but that time I take her as my friend only...
I think that time she also take me as her friend only...
But now , I know she is my best friend already...
I'm happy because God let me know her and let her become my best friend....
Thanks , God... =]